Word to Number

What number does the below three word/phrase identify and why?
1. Deck
2. Year
3. Singing in the Rain

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Asked by Neha on 20 Aug 2021

Can you count the number of quadrilaterals in the picture below?

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Asked by Neha on 14 Mar 2023

Mr Red Lives in the red house.
Mr Green Lives in the greenhouse.
Mr Yellow Lives in the yellow house.

Who lives in the Whitehouse?

Asked by Neha on 26 Apr 2024

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Asked by Neha on 14 Mar 2024

Joseph organises an exotic office New year party at the beach to his important fellow employees.

Following are the important people that will come to the party

1. Joseph

2. Joseph 2 girlfriends- Carol Vanstone and Tracey Hughes

3. The sales head Clay Vanstone.

4. Clay Vanstone 2 associates.

5. Mr. Jeremy and his Secret Tab.

They all need to cross a small river to reach the beach, however, Joseph has got just one boat.

There are few rules for crossing the river.

1. The capacity of the boat is limited to just two people.

2. Clay Vanstone associates will not stay with Joseph without Clay Vanstone.

3. Carol Vanstone and Tracey Hughes will not stay with the Clay Vanstone without Joseph.

4. Mr. Jeremy would never leave the Secret Tab alone.

5. Secret Tab counts as a person.

6. Only Joseph, Clay Vanstone or Mr. Jeremy can drive the boat.

7. The two girlfriends Carol Vanstone and Tracey Hughes will not stay with the Clay Vanstone without Joseph.

8. No Associates would stay with Joseph without their Clay Vanstone.

9. Mr.Jeremy will not leave the Secret Tab alone.

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If six children and two dogs were under an umbrella, how come none of them got wet?

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Can you find out in how many cartons can he place sixty-six boxes in total?

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Crossword puzzles

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