Count the number of squares in the picture below.
In the given figure, move three matchsticks so that the resulting figure contains two rectangles.
Count the number of triangles in the picture below:
Count the Triangle in the figure given below:
Can you find the six hidden animals in the picture below?
This is a picture puzzle. You have to guess the name of the movie that can be related to the picture.
Complete the given grid with valid words. You can only use the letters AAEEIIMMPPTT. Hint: The grid reads the same across as down.
Find the hidden panda in the image below.
Can you count the number of triangles in the picture below?
In the picture, you can see a chess board. On the top left position, the K marks a knight. Now, can you move the knight in a manner that after 63 moves, the knight has been placed at all the squares exactly once excluding the starting square?
The phrase “thinking outside the box” was popularised from the solution to a topographical puzzle involving 9 dots in a box shape.