Break the Riddle

What does below rebus means ?

Break the Riddle

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What is the riddle which can be asked all day with a different correct answer each time.

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Asked by Neha on 22 Mar 2021

John was running from 40 thieves. John has got 3 gold boxes which weigh as 4kg, 2kg, and 1kg respectively. A witty man asked John to stay with him for seven days in exchange for 1kg gold per day. John needs to stay there for seven days and also do not want to give the witty man any advance. How can John pay for his seven days stay?

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Asked by Neha on 17 Jun 2023

It is an eleven letter word.
The first, second, third and fourth letters form a banquet's name.
The fifth, sixth and seventh letters form a car's name.
The eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh letters form a mode of transport.

Can you identify what word it is?

Asked by Neha on 25 Dec 2023

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Which Burger Is Different in below image?

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Solve the following series:
AZ, GT, MN, __, YB

Asked by Neha on 29 Sep 2023

The richest man in the city Mr Rechard is kidnapped. James Bond is appointed to the case. At the crime scene, a note is found written by Mr Richard. The note read:

"First of January, Fourth of October, Fifth of March, Third of June."

James Bond knew that somehow, the killer's name was hidden in the note. The following were the suspects:

Jack Richard, the son and the heir of property.
John Jacobson, the employee of Richard.
June Richard, the wife of Richard.

James Bond took only a few moments to deduce the killer's name. Can you tell who was the killer?

Asked by Neha on 03 Jul 2024

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Amazing Facts

Word ladder puzzle

The word ladder puzzle was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.