Arrange Four 9's

Can you arrange four 9's and use at most 2 math symbols, to make the total 100?

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esgg sgeg gegs gsge

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I am working in a bus company. The company recently went under expansion and therefore there was not enough room for all the buses. As a result, twelve buses had to be stored outside.

If the company decides to expand the garage space by forty percent, enough space to accommodate the current buses will be created leaving enough space for twelve more buses if the need arises in future.

Can you calculate the number of buses that the company owns at present?

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You along with your friend are standing in front of two houses. Each of those houses inhabits a family with two children.

Your friend tells you the below two facts:
1) On your left is a family that has a boy who likes accounts but the other child loves science.
2) On the right is a family with a seven-year-old boy and a newborn baby.

You ask him, "Does either of the family have a girl?"

To this, he replies, "I am not quite sure. But can you guess that? If you are right, I will give you $500."

Which family do you think is likely to have a girl?

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Amazing Facts

Word ladder puzzle

The word ladder puzzle was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.