Funny Riddles

Funny Riddles
Funny riddles - We offer you the best funny riddles! which are not only for fun to solve, but they make you laugh hard when you solve them.

My friends called me Iron59 because my parents are a chemist and a mathematician. What is my real name?

Asked by Neha on 01 Sep 2023

By what process could you make a 'Tea-Table' into food?

Asked by Naresh on 16 Aug 2023

Who is generally closer to the kids, mom or dad?

(it's a funny riddle)

Asked by Neha on 28 Jul 2023

Why Wine Glass Stem is so long?

Wine Glass

Asked by Sachin on 24 Jul 2023

How is a fly different from a mosquito?

Asked by Sachin on 15 Jul 2023

What kind of band never plays music?

Asked by Sachin on 09 Jul 2023

As shown in the picture below, we can see a boy hanging on the tree branch to save his life. There are various ways in which he can die like1. A snake hanging toward the right waiting to bite the boy.2. A roaring Lion near the tree.3. Two crocodiles are ready to attack if the boy reaches near water. The tree is chopped to some extent, so can fall as if he moves a lot. Can you give this boy an escape plan?

The Escape Plan

Asked by Sachin on 06 Jul 2023

The following alphametic has only one solution. Can you find it?

PS: You may start the number from 0.

Asked by Sachin on 12 Jun 2023

1. How can we put an elephant in the refrigerator?
2. How can we put a Giraffe in a refrigerator?
3. The king of the jungle invites all the animals to a party everyone comes except for one animal, which animal?
4. You come to a crocodile-infested lake, you can't go around it, you can't co under it and you can't go over it, how do you get across?

Asked by Sachin on 25 May 2023

I am quite hot but become too cold if you remove the first two letters. What am I?

Asked by Sachin on 24 May 2023

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Rubik’s Cube

The inventor of the Rubik’s Cube didn’t realize he’d built a puzzle until he scrambled it the first time and tried to restore it.