I Can Make anyone Dance

I can turn polar bears white.
I can make anyone dance.
I can make everyone cry
I can make your hands clap
I can make you thin.
I can make you smile.
I can make you smile

Can you guess the riddle?

Similar Riddles

You can find some missing letters in the picture. By placing two particular letters in the spaces, you can form a nine lettered word beginning from one of the corners and going clockwise direction to the middle. Can you find out the letters and the word?

Make the Word

Asked by Neha on 06 Oct 2023

It has five wheels, though often think four, You cannot use it without that one more, You can put things in it, you can strap things on top, You can't find it in the market, but you can still go shop. What is it?

Asked by Neha on 17 May 2021

In which direction should the missing arrow point?

Arrow Direction

Asked by Neha on 30 Dec 2024

In a classic wine shop, the list of three most popular wines are:
- The cost of 1 French wine bottle: 500$
- The cost of 1 German wine bottle: 100$
- The cost of 20 Dutch wine bottles: 100$

John entered the wine shop and he needs to buy
- All three types of wine bottles.
- Needs to buy Dutch wine bottles in multiples of 20.
- Need to buy 100 wine bottles in total.

John has only 10000$. How many wine bottles of each type, John must buy?

Asked by Neha on 19 Aug 2023

A high school has a strange principal. On the first day, he has his students perform an odd opening day ceremony:

There are one thousand lockers and one thousand students in the school. The principal asks the first student to go to every locker and open it. Then he has the second student go to every second locker and close it. The third goes to every third locker and, if it is closed, he opens it, and if it is open, he closes it. The fourth student does this to every fourth locker, and so on. After the process is completed with the thousandth student, how many lockers are open?

Principal in the School

Asked by Neha on 05 Mar 2021

What is the below Rebus indicate?

Read the Indication

Asked by Neha on 19 Sep 2023

Find three whole, positive numbers that have the same answer when multiplied together as when added together.

Asked by Neha on 01 Jan 2021

Seven Robbers robbed a bank and hide the coins in a lonely place.
They decide to divide the money equally the next morning. Two greedy robbers decided to cheat the others and reach the place at night. They equally divided the coins between them, one coin left. So they called another robber and then they decided to divide equally among the three. Sadly again one coin left. The same thing happened to the 4th 5th and the 6th robber.
However, when the 7th robber reached in the morning, they can divide the coins equally.

How many coins were there in total?

Asked by Neha on 29 Dec 2023

Find The Missing Number In the Sequence.
6 25 64 ? 32 1

Asked by Neha on 07 Nov 2024

who is silent in the parliament?

Asked by Neha on 29 Apr 2024

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Amazing Facts

Out of the Box

The phrase “thinking outside the box” was popularised from the solution to a topographical puzzle involving 9 dots in a box shape.