The cream is heavier than the Milk

The cream is heavier than Milk. True or False?

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How is this possible?

Asked by Neha on 25 Sep 2023

You need to complete the maze by entering from the entrance marked below in the figure near the yellow circle, bottom left and leaving from the exit point near the green circle, bottom middle.

Rule of Game: You can move only by exchanging green and yellow circles.

Cross the Gate

Asked by Neha on 21 Oct 2023

Rahul decided to meet Simran so he boards a local train from Bombay station. Just after the station, there is a 1km long tunnel. The train starts and is now accelerating. Rahul is a claustrophobic guy, so what is the best position for him to sit?

Asked by Neha on 25 Mar 2023

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What work can one never finish?

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I make two people out of one. What am I?

Asked by Neha on 29 Mar 2022

A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

Asked by Neha on 26 Jan 2023

What number comes next in this sequence:
7 8 5 5 3 4 4 _

Asked by Neha on 06 Aug 2024

Using four sevens (7) and a one (1) create the number 100. Except for the five numerals, you can use the usual mathematical operations (+, -, x, :), root and brackets ()

Asked by Neha on 26 May 2023

👉 I am a 7 letter word.
👉 I like mornings
👉 If you remove my 1st letter you can drink me
👉 If you remove my 1st & 2nd letters 👉 you may not like me
👉 If you remove my last letter, you will see me on television
👉Answer is really very interesting
Let us see who solves this....

Asked by Neha on 14 May 2021

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Amazing Facts


In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.