You have to put a letter on the following to make it a meaningful word. The only challenge is that you can't use 'E'. S E Q U E N C _
What has lots of eyes, but can’t see?
Find the last number in the series below: voN luJ yaM raM ---
There is a box full of marbles, all but two are blue, all but two are green, and all but two are red. How many marbles are in the box?
Sherlock Holmes was challenged to make a pre-drawn line smaller without erasing it. He did it in fractions of seconds. How?
A boy was driving a car, a girl took a lift from her. She asked his name. The boy said - my name is hidden in my car’s number, find it if you can. After this, she got down Car number was [ WV733N ] Can you guess the name now?
I am looking for a word that change both gender and number when i add the letter 'S'. What Word am I Looking For ?
There are nine letters in the below-given diagram. You have to form a nine-letter word using these letters.
Replace the letters of words with a number so that the below equation holds true BASE + BALL --------- GAMES ----------
What number when divided in half becomes zero?
Can you spot the man between the coffee bean in the picture below ?
The phrase “thinking outside the box” was popularised from the solution to a topographical puzzle involving 9 dots in a box shape.