Funny Riddles

Funny Riddles
Funny riddles - We offer you the best funny riddles! which are not only for fun to solve, but they make you laugh hard when you solve them.

I am five letter word that is under you.
If you remove my 1st letter, then I am over you.
If you remove my 1st and 2nd letters then I am all around you.

Who am I?

Asked by Sachin on 19 Jan 2024

Take number 1000 and then add 20 to it.
Now add 1000 one more time.
Now add 30.
Now add 1000 one more time.
Now add 40.
Now add 1000 one more time.
Now add 10.

What is the total?

Asked by Paul on 18 Jan 2024

What kind of storm is always in a rush?

Asked by Sachin on 16 Jan 2024

Why are televisions attracted to people?

Asked by Sachin on 14 Jan 2024

Why do people go to bed?

Asked by Sachin on 08 Jan 2024

A bank customer had $100 in his account. He then made 6 withdrawals. He kept a record of these withdrawals, and the balance remaining in the account, as follows:

Withdrawals Balance left
$50 $50
$25 $25
$10 $15
$8 $7
$5 $2
$2 $0
----- -----
$100 $99

Why are the Totals not tallying?

Asked by Sachin on 14 Dec 2023

Rearrange the letters in "new door" to make one word.

Asked by Aparna on 12 Dec 2023

The peacock is a bird that does not lay eggs. How do they get baby peacocks?

Asked by Sachin on 09 Dec 2023

A father is locked up in jail. His wife has gone bankrupt. Their male child has to sell his hotel in order to gain some money. Yet their girl child does not care and is quite happy.

How can someone be so rude?

Asked by Sachin on 30 Nov 2023

Two-person want to cross a river. Only one boat is present on the riverside that can carry only one person at a time.

However, they still manage to cross the river. How is it possible?

Asked by Sachin on 18 Nov 2023

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In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.