Who enjoys poor health?

Who always enjoys poor health?

Who enjoys poor health?

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Asked by Neha on 11 Jan 2021

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What is the total distance that the supersonic bird has traveled till the trains collided?

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There is a wide field of corn. A goose finds its way into the field and starts running. Can you find out till which point the goose can run into the field?

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There are hundred red gems and hundred blue gems. The blue gems are priceless while the red gems equal wastage. You have two sacks one labeled Heads and the other Tails. You have to distribute the gems as you want in the two sacks. Then a coin will be flipped and you will be asked to pick up a gem randomly from the corresponding sacks.

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No Solution

In 2007, a puzzle was released and $2 million prizes were offered for the first complete solution. The competition ended at noon on 31 December 2010, with no solution being found. Wiki