Which Travels Faster? Solve below famous picture riddle:
What's the best place to go shopping in the ocean?
Name a key which is hardest to turn.
There is an English word that can be used up to four times in a row without modifying the spelling and form a valid grammatical sentence. Do you know what word is that?
If Japan and Panama decided to merge into a single country, probably people will name it Japanama. Can you think of two more such country's unions that could produce similar names like Japanama by overlapping their three letters?
What do you call a fish without an eye?
10+10 and 11+11 can give you the same answer. Explain how?
The current time can be represented by below textual rebus. 0 ========= B.Sc LLB Can you tell us the current time?
A man walked into a pub and went straight towards the Barman. He asked for a dirty martini from the Barman. The Barman thought something and then pulled out a pistol from his drawer and aimed it directly at the man. Why did he do that?
Mr Red Lives in the red house. Mr Green Lives in the greenhouse. Mr Yellow Lives in the yellow house. Who lives in the Whitehouse?
Which wheel of car does not rotate when you turn your car right?
In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.