Let's play a word game. Following are some meaningless words that can be completed by adding random letters on either side of the word. For example, the word "rdo" can be formed into "pardon". Using the same technique, can you complete the given words? ecalc airb rinci tibac uidel gorit igna eyho
I am the first thing you need while camping. I am always with the person named Marcos Valencia and Carrick. But Pogba Zlatan and Rooney think I am wasteful and do not need me. I am the second to the last thing to add when you are making a patch. What am I?
What English word has three consecutive double letters?
Name the three-letter word that can complete the below words? A) L O _ _ _ E B) E D U _ _ _ E C) _ _ _ E R D) _ _ _ T L E
There are two words one resembles the "state of rest" and the other is related to "writing/reading material". Can you name these two words which also sound similar?
Name the three-letter word that can complete the below words: A) L O _ _ _ E B) E D U _ _ _ E C) _ _ _ E R D) _ _ _ T L E
Railroad Crossing, look out for the cars. Can you spell that, without any R's ?
I taste better than I can smell. Who am I?
If nine thousand, nine hundred nine dollars is written as $9,909, how should twelve thousand, twelve hundred twelve dollars be written?
If a boy blows 18 bubbles, Then pops 6 eats 7 and then He pops 5 and blows 1. How many are left?
A plane crashed between the border of Mexico and America. Where do you bury the survivors?
The inventor of the Rubik’s Cube didn’t realize he’d built a puzzle until he scrambled it the first time and tried to restore it.