I got a bee but no honey

I got a bee but no honey.
got an eye but am still blind.
got a sea but no water.
got a tea but no coffee.
got a why but no answer.

What Am I?

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1) Suppose the lion is hungry, will he be able to eat up the tamer?
2) If yes, how long can the tamer survive?

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I am a ten letters word
The first four letters have the power to rule,
Next, four-letter can be eaten.
The next three-letter represents a lady.
I can fly as well

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Asked by Neha on 13 Apr 2021

Five lovely ladies(Sophia, Isabella, Madison, Emma and Olivia) planned a picnic.

They each buy one thing each for the picnic.

Sophia, Emma and Olivia got a drink : orange-Juice, apple-juice, and mango-juice.
Olivia got the drink with the same letter as the one in her first name.
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Crossword puzzles

In the 1920s, people feared that crossword puzzles would contribute to illiteracy.