Train into a Tunnel

An express train takes 3 seconds to enter the tunnel which is 1 km long.
If it is travelling at 120 km an hour, how long will it take to pass completely through the tunnel?

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Asked by Neha on 09 Feb 2024

You have a 12 liters jug full of water. You have two empty 8 liters and 5 liters jug. How can you divide the water into two equal parts using these jugs?

Asked by Neha on 21 Dec 2020

A Car driver was heading down a street in Washington. He went right past a stop sign without stopping, he turned left where there was a 'no left turn' sign and he went the wrong way on a one-way street. Then he went on the right side of the road past a cop car. Still, he didn't break any traffic laws. Why not?

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While sitting in the Car, John suddenly finds that one of the wheels was missing. John noticed that a killer is approaching towards him. John cannot get out of the car.

How will John escape?

Asked by Neha on 14 Jan 2021

Queen Elizabeth organised a royal party.

To Avoid uninvited guest royal family set a password.
Jack (an uninvited person) plan to enter the party. He stand nearby the door.

First guest comes, the security person said 'twelve' and guest replied with six.
Second guest comes , the security person said 'six' and guest replied with 'three'.

Jack thought is enough and he walked to the entry point. The security person said 'eight' , Jack replied smilingly 'four'.
He was immediately thrown out of the party. why ?

Asked by Neha on 09 Aug 2021

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Next Dice Movement

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V + II - VI = 10
IV - X + VIII = 20
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Then, I + II + III = ?

Asked by Neha on 15 Nov 2024

In The 1st month of this year(the year 2013), I noticed that the date 13-1-13 (13 January 2013) is special.

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Can you figure out which year of this century has a maximum number of such dates?

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The day before the 1996 U.S. presidential election, the NYT Crossword contained the clue “Lead story in tomorrow’s newspaper,” the puzzle was built so that both electoral outcomes were correct answers, requiring 7 other clues to have dual responses.