Quickly Solve this riddle 7 - 4 + 3 * 0 + 1 = ?
Which is the correct shadow of the bird?
There was an aeroplane crash, every single person died, but two people survived. How is this possible?
Replace the letters of words with a number so that the below equation holds true BASE + BALL --------- GAMES ----------
Name one eight-letter word with 'kst' in the middle, 'in' the beginning, 'and' at the end.?
Replace the (?) with the correct mathematical signs to make the expression equal to 59. 18 ? 12 ? 4 ? 5 = 59
Can you spot the man between the coffee bean in the picture below ?
What has a ring but no finger?
Identify The phrase in the picture.
I have teeth but i don't bite. Who Am I ?
Can you make four (4) nines (9) equal 100?
The phrase “thinking outside the box” was popularised from the solution to a topographical puzzle involving 9 dots in a box shape.