A man plots the murder of his wife. His plan is full proof. Nobody saw them leaving their house. He stabbed her with a knife while driving. She died on the spot. He threw her body in a valley. He threw the knife carefully wiping his finger prints on a random garbage bin. Then he went back to his home and no one was watching him this time as well.
After an hour, he was called by the local police department who informed him that his wife was murdered. They asked him to reach the scene of crime immediately. But as soon as he arrived at the crime scene, he was arrested by them.
How did the police know that he himself is the murderer?
In a kingdom, King George did not allow any citizen to visit the world outside. Also, only a person with proper paperwork was allowed to enter or he was sent back. A wooden bridge was what connected the kingdom to the world. The king had appointed a sharpshooter who would check the every five minutes on the bridge to check. After checking, he would go back to his hut and return exactly after five minutes again. The bridge took 9 minutes to cross.
A merchant was able to escape the kingdom without harming the shooter. How?
On a magical land of Mexico , all the animal in the land are rational.
There are 10 tigers and one goat.
Tiger can eat goat but since it's a magical land , the tiger who eats the goat , turns into goat and then can be eaten by the remaining tiger(s).
If we leave them for some time then how many goat and tiger will be there , when we come back ?
A man fell off a smuggling boat into deep water. He could not swim and he was not wearing anything to keep him afloat. It took 30 minutes for the people on the boat to realize someone was missing. The missing man was rescued two hours later on the return trip. Why didn't he drown? Note:- He didn't know swimming, the sea was deep, and He wasn't holding anything
John is 45 years older than his son Jacob. If you find similarities between their ages, both of their ages contain prime numbers as the digits. Also, John's age is the reverse of Jacob's age.
In 2011, people playing Foldit, an online puzzle game about protein folding, resolved the structure of an enzyme that causes an Aids-like disease in monkeys. Researchers had been working on the problem for 13 years. The gamers solved it in three weeks.