Plantation at Equidistant

While handling a project, the landscaper is asked by the owner of the mansion that he wants four trees in front of his mansion that are exactly equidistant from each other.

How will he do it?

Similar Riddles

Two boys were admitted to a school. When the headmaster asks them about their parents, they tell him that they have same parents (father and mother). On further inquiry, it turns out that they both share the same date for their birthday.

"Are you twins," ask the headmaster.
"No," replies the boys.

Is it possible?

Asked by Neha on 22 Feb 2024

What is more useful when it is broken?

Asked by Neha on 30 Mar 2022

Here is what you have to do. You have to throw a ball as hard as you can but it must return back to you even if it does not bounce at anything. Also, you have nothing attached to the ball. There is no one on the other end to catch that ball and throw it back at you.

How will you do it?

Asked by Neha on 25 Mar 2024

Can you find the ages of a son, father and grandfather based on the following facts?
The sum of the ages of grandfather, father and son is 140 years.
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The age of the son in days is the same as the father in weeks.

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When can we add 2 to 11 and get 1 as the correct answer?

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What does below Rebus mean ?

esgg sgeg gegs gsge

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A man in a car saw a Golden Door, Silver Door and a Bronze Door. What door did he open first?

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6 30 870 756030 _____

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Crossword puzzles

In the 1920s, people feared that crossword puzzles would contribute to illiteracy.