Why do you find that most of the buildings are deprived of the 13th floor?
There was a strange boy who was born before his father. How can this be possible?
I am a type of room you cannot enter or leave. Raised from the ground below, I could be poisonous or a delicious treat. What am I?
When can we add 2 to 11 and get 1 as the correct answer?
Doctor Alex and a bus driver John are both in love with the same woman named Olivia. The bus driver need to go for a long trip of 10 days, Before he left he gave Olivia 10 apples.
There is an English word that can be used up to four times in a row without modifying the spelling and form a valid grammatical sentence. Do you know what word is that?
What has no start, end, or centre?
I have no doors but I have keys, I have no rooms but I have space, you can enter but you can’t leave! What am I?
Teacher ask the student 'Why are you standing on that chair in music class ?'. what did student replied ?
A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
First, think of the colour of clouds. Next think the colour of snow. Last, think of the colour of the moon. Now, what do cows drink?
The phrase “thinking outside the box” was popularised from the solution to a topographical puzzle involving 9 dots in a box shape.