Word made of 3 Letters

Can you make a six-letter word using the letters N, A and B ?

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Tarang football website was hacked by one of the players. Jack, the coach of Tarang has pointed out five players as the possible hacker.
Each suspected player made three statements from each suspected player and out of which two are true and one is false.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I know nothing about hacking.
C) John did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) The website was attacked by one of the players.
C) I hate Shelly

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I have never seen Oscar in my entire life.
C) I am sure John did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I am sure Oscar did it.
C) Joseph was lying when he said he did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I am sure Hazard did it.
C) I used to be friend with Remy.

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1. Gianni was either in Italy or France in 1997.
2. If Gianni did not kill Versace, Hilton must have killed him.
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4. If Gianni was in Italy in 1997, then Gianni did not kill Versace.
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Amazing Facts


There is a cryptic organization called Cicada 3301 that posts challenging puzzles online, possibly to recruit codebreakers and linguists.