Science Teaser

Astrology starts with the alphabet A, Biology starts with B, Psychology with P and Limnology with L.

Can you find an "ology" that begins with a P?

Similar Riddles

In a Society, there are over 100 flats.

Flat 1 is named the first flat.
Flat 2 is named the second flat.
Flat 3 is named the third flat. And So On.....

A visitor decides to walk through all the flats, and he finds all the flats except flat 62.
Anmol later founds that the locals of the town have given it another name.

What is the name of the Flat?

Asked by Neha on 05 Jun 2024

Eight Chelsea player makes the following statements :

1. Seven of us are lying here.
2. Six of us are lying here.
3. Five of us are lying here.
4. Five of us are lying here.
5. Four of us are lying here.
6. Three of us are lying here.
7. My name is Torres.
8. My name is Lampard.

The last two are Lampard and Torres or maybe Torres and Lampard.
So can you deduce which of the last two is Lampard or Torres?

Asked by Neha on 14 Oct 2024

They do not possess flesh or feathers or scales or bone
But still, they are blessed with fingers and thumbs of their own.

Asked by Neha on 08 Nov 2023

What does below chemistry rebus means?

What does this say

Asked by Neha on 02 Feb 2024

What does the following BrainBat signifies?



Asked by Neha on 21 Jan 2021

Using mathematical symbols like +, -, and x in order to make the equations correct. Replace # with the above-given symbols.

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Asked by Neha on 12 Dec 2024

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How can he do that?

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Asked by Neha on 12 Feb 2023

A Detective reviewed the information they had on the case so far.

A lady named 'Caterina' was found shot and they already had a list of suspects - Ankit, Tarun, Harish, Manoj and Manish.
The killer is a fan of challenges him by leaving notes ad various places.
* The first was found in a toilet room.
* The second was found in an art room.
* The third was in a restroom.
* the fourth in an underwater room.
* The fifth at the no-smoking room.

All of the notes read the same thing, 'The clues are where you find the notes.' Yet, nothing was found at any place the notes were.
Detective the genius, immediately solved the case.
Who was the killer?

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Rubik’s Cube

The inventor of the Rubik’s Cube didn’t realize he’d built a puzzle until he scrambled it the first time and tried to restore it.