Mission Impossible

What is both possible and impossible at the same time?

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This puzzle is for Harry Potter fans. Do you know why Tom Riddle is called Lord Voldemort?

Asked by Neha on 11 Feb 2025

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You are presented with a chance to change your box with the one that is left closed. Will you change your box? Why or why not?

Asked by Neha on 15 Apr 2023

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Asked by Neha on 18 Mar 2022

A man was telling some of his war stories to his grandchildren.
"When the World War I was on the verge of end, I was awarded for my bravery for I had saved a group of my men." He coughed and then added, "When we were fighting in northern France, an enemy soldier threw a grenade at us. Before it could explode, I picked it up and threw it away. For my act of bravery, right before the war ended, A General gave me a sword engraved with the words "Awarded for Display of Bravery and Heroism in World War 1"."

Hearing this, one of the grandson spoke up. "Grandpa, this is not a true story. It can"t be true!"

The truth is that it was not. How did the grand children know it?

Asked by Neha on 22 Feb 2023

In the picture that is attached with this question, you can find a square which comprises of four little squares inside it. Consider this square to be made with matchsticks. You have to remove two matchsticks such that only two squares remain instead of five.How will you do it ?

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Asked by Neha on 14 May 2021

Who is generally closer to the kids, mom or dad?

(it's a funny riddle)

Asked by Neha on 28 Jul 2023

In the picture, you can see a chess board. On the top left position, the K marks a knight. Now, can you move the knight in a manner that after 63 moves, the knight has been placed at all the squares exactly once excluding the starting square?

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Asked by Neha on 08 Apr 2024

Vin Diesel is pulling a theft and has planned to run away with all the cash kept in the safe. But the only way to open the safe is the 13 character password. He has a set of five clues given to him by a trustworthy source.

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Asked by Neha on 01 Jun 2023

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Amazing Facts

No Solution

In 2007, a puzzle was released and $2 million prizes were offered for the first complete solution. The competition ended at noon on 31 December 2010, with no solution being found. Wiki