Open a Laptop which is password protected. Hint for the password is given as below:
1 mobile 3 books 2 Boards 1 night 4 balls 2 lighters 1 ghost 1 hat 3 watches
Intelligence Agency need to break the vault but the problem is that they are not able to break the vault.
On the vault, a text is written as:
31 11 33 33 43 45
21 25
31 24 11 31 51 41
To Break the code Intelligence Agency brings a mathematician named Joseph.
Minutes later he deciphers the code.
Whats the code?
A man dies of old age on his 25 birthday. How is this possible?
What 4-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?
On a beautiful Sunday morning, You ordered a hot tea to your hotel room and suddenly you remember an important thing that needed to be done right now will take around 3 minutes to complete.
Like most people you like your tea to be hot while drinking so, when should you pour cream in the tea?
1. straight away
2. Just people, you drink the team
3. Its does not matter
Prove that the below maths equation is true.
8 + 8 = 91
How can you make the following equation true by drawing only one straight line: 5+5+5=550 ?
Look at the picture and find out which square is not linked with any of the other squares.
I have an eye but still cannot see.
Who am I?
There are people and strange monkeys on this island, and you can not tell who is who (Edit: until you understand what they said - see below). They speak either only the truth or only lies.
Who are the following two guys?
A: B is a lying monkey. I am human.
B: A is telling the truth.
Can you count the number of lines in the below picture?
In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.