Number Riddle

Replace the question mark with the correct number in the below-given picture?

Number Riddle

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Asked by Neha on 05 Sep 2021

One day Jenifer meets the Lion and the Tiger in the Forest of Forgetfulness. She knows that the Lion lies on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and tells the truth on the other days of the week. The Tiger, on the other hand, lies on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, but tells the truth on the other days of the week. Now they make the following statements to Jenifer:

Lion: Yesterday was one of my lying days.

Tiger: Yesterday was one of my lying days too.

What day is it?

Asked by Neha on 07 Jan 2021

The centre of the third figure is empty. What digit should fit inside?

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Asked by Neha on 24 Jan 2024

Two friends were stuck in a cottage. They had nothing to do and thus they started playing cards. Suddenly the power went off and Friend 1 inverted the position of 15 cards in the normal deck of 52 cards and shuffled it. Now he asked Friend 2 to divide the cards into two piles (need not be equal) with equal number of cards facing up. The room was quite dark and Friend 2 could not see the cards. He thinks for a while and then divides the cards in two piles.

On checking, the count of cards facing up is same in both the piles. How could Friend 2 have done it ?

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Asked by Neha on 02 Mar 2021

10 people came into a hotel with 9 rooms and each guest wanted his own room. The bellboy solved this problem.
He asked the tenth guest to wait for a little with the first guest in room number 1. So in the first room, there were two people. The bellboy took the third guest to room number 2, the fourth to number 3, ..., and the ninth guest to room number 8. Then he returned to room number 1 and took the tenth guest to room number 9, still vacant.
How can everybody have his own room?

Asked by Neha on 21 Aug 2023

I purchased an awesome ice cream cone having 5 different flavour scoops.
Five flavours are pistachio, mint-chip, strawberry, marshmallow, and raspberry

I will give u some clues so that you can figure out the order of flavours from bottom to top.
1. The bottom flavour of the cone has 10 letters.
2. The marshmallow scoop is between the pistachio and the mint-chip scoop.
3. marshmallow is the raspberry scoop but below the mint-chip scoop.

So can you figure out the flavour of ice cream in order from bottom to top?

Asked by Neha on 21 Jul 2023

Three men in a cafe order a meal the total cost of which is $15. They each contribute $5. The waiter takes the money to the chef who recognises the three as friends and asks the waiter to return $5 to the men.

The waiter is not only poor at mathematics but dishonest and instead of going to the trouble of splitting the $5 between the three he simply gives them $1 each and pockets the remaining $2 for himself.

Now, each of the men effectively paid $4, the total paid is therefore $12. Add the $2 in the waiters pocket and this comes to $14. Where has the other $1 gone from the original $15?

Asked by Neha on 06 Sep 2021

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