If I remove one from eleven it becomes Ten and if I remove one from nine also becomes Ten. How?
I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
Can you identify the hidden rebus in the image below?
What word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters?
As shown in the picture below, we can see a boy hanging on the tree branch to save his life. There are various ways in which he can die like1. A snake hanging toward the right waiting to bite the boy.2. A roaring Lion near the tree.3. Two crocodiles are ready to attack if the boy reaches near water. The tree is chopped to some extent, so can fall as if he moves a lot. Can you give this boy an escape plan?
A river should be crossed by a father, a mother and their two sons and two daughters.
There are some rules that should be followed while crossing the river. There can be only two people in the raft while crossing. The daughters cannot be with their father unless there is the presence of the mother. The sons cannot be with their mothers unless the father is present. Unless the guard is on the board, the criminals cannot be with any of the family members. Only the adults like the father, the guard, and the mother knows to use the raft.
How will they cross the river?
Things are just as they seem, right? Well, check again.
Can you count the number of tigers in this picture ?
What has six faces, but does not wear makeup, has twenty-one eyes, but cannot see? What is it?
On a beautiful Sunday morning, You ordered a hot tea to your hotel room and suddenly you remember an important thing that needed to be done right now will take around 3 minutes to complete.
Like most people you like your tea to be hot while drinking so, when should you pour cream in the tea?
1. straight away
2. Just people, you drink the team
3. Its does not matter
Suppose you are a girl candidate and sitting in an interview. Suddenly the interviewer asks you, 'What if one morning you wake up and find out that you are pregnant?
How will you reply to such a question?
Why do we preferably have round manhole covers and not square ones?
The word ladder puzzle was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.