Logical Riddle

A Child was born in Lahore, Pakistan. Still, the child is not a Pakistani citizen. why?

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I have two coins.
* One of the coins is a faulty coin having a tail on both sides of it.
* The other coin is a perfect coin (heads on side and tail on other).

I blindfold myself and pick a coin and put the coin on the table. The face of the coin towards the sky is the tail.

What is the probability that another side is also tail?

Asked by Neha on 07 Jun 2023

A bomb goes off.
One person, only a few feet away, survives! How can this be?

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Three people enter a room and have a green or blue hat placed on their heads. They cannot see their own hat but can see the other hats.
The colour of each hat is purely random. They could all be green, blue, or any combination of green and blue.
They need to guess their own hat colour by writing it on a piece of paper, or they can write 'pass'.
They cannot communicate with each other in any way once the game starts. But they can have a strategy meeting before the game.
If at least one of them guesses correctly they win $10,000 each, but if anyone guesses incorrectly they all get nothing.
What is the best strategy?

Asked by Neha on 05 Dec 2023

We know that money can be names differently for the purpose it is used for. Some of the examples of money given at following places or for following activities:

In temple = Daan
In school = Fees
During marriage = Dowry
For divorce = Alimony
Paying government = Tax
In court = Fine
Employer to employee = Salary
To kidnappers = Ransom
For illegal reason = Bribe
To civil servant retirees = Pension

Do you know what do we call the money a husband gives to his wife?

Asked by Neha on 12 Jan 2021

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What is the chance of Mr John now?

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Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.