Railroad Crossing, look out for the cars. Can you spell that, without any R's ?
An equation has been laid down using a few matchsticks. However, as you can see, the equation is not correct. Can you correct the equation if you are allowed to add or remove 5 matchsticks?
Manish and Manoj play 5 games of chess.
Both Manish and Manoj win the exact same number of games. There is no tie at all.
Suppose we lay down two cups in front of you. One of the cups is filled with tea and the other one with coffee. Now we ask you to take a spoonful of tea and mix it with the coffee. At this moment, the coffee cup has a mixture of tea and coffee. You have to take that mixture (spoonful) and add it back to the tea.
Can you now tell if the cup of coffee has more tea or the cup of tea has more coffee?
If one and a half boys, eat one and a half burgers in one and a half hours.
How many burgers can 9 boys eat in 3 hours?
Which Number is the odd one out?
A) 7145
B) 2716
C) 5321
D) 4135
I am something people love or hate. I change peoples appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher. To some people I will fool them. To others I am a mystery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter how hard people try I will Never go down. What am I?
John replied, when asked how old he was. In 2 years he will be twice as old as he was five years ago.' How old is he ?
What can you see in the middle of March and April that you can never see in any other month?
15 caves are arranged in a circle at the temple of doom. One of these caves has the treasure of gems and wealth. Each day the treasure keepers can move the treasure to an adjacent cave or can keep it in the same cave. Every day two treasure seekers visit the place and have enough time to enter any two caves of their choice.
How do the treasure seekers ensure that they find the treasure in the minimum number of possible days?
What word does this rebus represent?
meta meta
meta meta
In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.