Can you find a rabbit in the given picture?
What do you see in the given picture?
Can you identify the direction in which this bus is moving; left or right? Hint: The bus is moving on the roads of London.
This is a picture puzzle. You have to guess the name of the movie that can be related to the picture.
Can you divide the below-given shape into four equal and identical pieces?
Move four matchsticks to the below square to form three squares?
Count the number of triangles in the picture below:
Which of the below owl is odd one out?
In this image, you can see three almost identical Doraemon images. Can you spot the odd one out from them?
Can you find the six hidden animals in the picture below?
In the picture, you can see a chess board. On the top left position, the K marks a knight. Now, can you move the knight in a manner that after 63 moves, the knight has been placed at all the squares exactly once excluding the starting square?
There is a cryptic organization called Cicada 3301 that posts challenging puzzles online, possibly to recruit codebreakers and linguists.