Heard but not Seen

Many have heard it, but nobody has ever seen it, and it will not speak back until spoken to. What is it?

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If eleven plus two equals one, what does nine plus five equal?

Asked by Neha on 28 Mar 2022

In a fruit store, there was a unique weighing machine that was made to weigh only cherries and strawberries as they were priced the same.

Other fruits like watermelons or mango had different machines as they were expensive.

A man successfully buys watermelons at the price of cherries. How?

Asked by Neha on 30 Apr 2023

Can you find a rabbit in the given picture?

Hidden Picture Riddle

Asked by Neha on 08 Apr 2023

I have an apple tree , number of apple in this tree get doubles every week.

On 30th week , the tree gets completely filled with apples :-)

Can you tell me , on what week does my tree is half covered with apples ?

Asked by Neha on 28 Feb 2021

On a windy rainy night , I was driving in my car.
When i reach the bus stand , i see three people waiting for the bus.

1. An old lady who needs an immediate medical attention
2. My Best Friend
3. Girl whom i love from childhood

My car is a two seat, so can you tell me , what i have done in this situation ?

Asked by Neha on 14 Feb 2023

A mules travels the same distance daily.
I noticed that two of his legs travels 10km and the remaining two travels 12km.
Obviously two mules legs cannot be a 2km ahead of the other 2.

The mules is perfectly normal. So how come this be true ?

Asked by Neha on 08 May 2021

Can you divide numbers from 1 to 9 (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) into two groups so that the sum of the numbers of each group is equal?

Note: 9 cannot be turned over to make it 6.

Asked by Neha on 19 Jul 2023

A bank customer had $100 in his account. He then made 6 withdrawals. He kept a record of these withdrawals, and the balance remaining in the account, as follows:

Withdrawals Balance left
$50 $50
$25 $25
$10 $15
$8 $7
$5 $2
$2 $0
----- -----
$100 $99

Why are the Totals not tallying?

Asked by Neha on 14 Dec 2023

what does this picture(rebus) riddle means ?

Laugh together

Asked by Neha on 08 Apr 2021

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What is the maximum marks?

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Amazing Facts

Word ladder puzzle

The word ladder puzzle was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.