Do You See It?

Do You See It?

Do You See It?

Similar Riddles


A = 1

B = 2

C = 3



Z = 26.

Based on above rule, you need to find an eleven letter word whose letter sum is equal to 52.

Asked by Neha on 12 Feb 2021

There are two words one resembles the "state of rest" and the other is related to "writing/reading material".

Can you name these two words which also sound similar?

Asked by Neha on 21 May 2024

There is a number which when you multiply by 3 and subtract 2 from the result, then the resulting number is the reverse of the actual number.

What is the smallest number that stands true on the statement?

Asked by Neha on 20 Aug 2023

Can you think of a smallest +ve number such that if we shuffle the digits of the number, the new number becomes double the original number?

Asked by Neha on 25 Feb 2024

John bought a new car. He has a habit of eating ice cream from a particular ice cream shop while returning home from office. Whenever, he eats strawberry ice cream, he faces no problem. But whenever, he eats chocolate ice cream, the car starts giving problem. At first, he thinks, it is just a co-incidence but when this awkward incident happens for 3-4 times, he reports this problem to the company.

The mechanic of the company checks but finds no problem at all. The next day, when he stops by to eat chocolate ice cream, the car again starts giving problem.

Can you find the possible reason?

Asked by Neha on 17 Sep 2024

How many times in a given day, minutes and hour clock comes in a straight line ?

Asked by Neha on 03 Mar 2023

Three people are in a room. Ronni looks at the Nile. The Nile looks at Senthil. Ronni is married but Senthil is not married. At any point, is a married person looking at an unmarried person? Yes, No or Cannot be determined.

Asked by Neha on 01 Nov 2023

You have an empty wine bottle with a cork that has been secured at the top in a normal way. There is a metal ring inside the bottle that is suspended by a string.

How can you make the metal ring drop to the bottom if you are not allowed to touch anything - not the bottle, not the cork, not the thread and not the ring?

Asked by Neha on 07 Aug 2023

I have thought of a number that is made up by using all the ten digits just once. Here are a few clues for you to guess my number:

First digits is divisible by 1.
First two digits are divisible by 2.
First three digits are divisible by 3.
First four digits are divisible by 4.
First five digits are divisible by 5.
First six digits are divisible by 6.
First seven digits are divisible by 7.
First eight digits are divisible by 8.
First nine digits are divisible by 9.
The number is divisible by 10.

Can you find out the number ?

Asked by Neha on 12 Mar 2023

Four people need to cross a rickety bridge at night. Unfortunately, they have only one torch and the bridge is too dangerous to cross without one. The bridge is only strong enough to support two people at a time. Not all people take the same time to cross the bridge. Times for each person: 1 min, 2 mins, 7 mins and 10 mins. What is the shortest time needed for all four of them to cross the bridge?

Asked by Neha on 24 Aug 2023

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In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.