Ten Letter Word

I know a ten-letter word in the English language which can be typed using only the top rows of the computer keyboard.

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A father's child, a mother's child, yet no one's son.

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Asked by Neha on 21 Mar 2022

Birbal was jester, counsellor, and fool to the great Moghul emperor, Akbar.
The villagers loved to talk of Birbal's wisdom and cleverness,
and the emperor loved to try to outsmart him.
One day Akbar (emperor) drew a line across the floor.
"Birbal," he ordered, "you must make this line shorter, but you cannot erase any bit of it."
Everyone present thought the emperor had finally outsmarted Birbal.
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Yet within moments the emperor and everyone else present had to agree that Birbal had made the line shorter without erasing any of it.
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Asked by Neha on 17 May 2021

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What did Birbal give to Akbar's daughter?

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Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.