South West Direction

If we change the South-East direction into North and North-East into West and all others similarly.
Can you find out which direction will be in the place of South-West direction?

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A train leaves from point A for point B at 80 mph. After half an hour, another train leaves from point B for point A at 60 mph.

Which of the trains will be farther from point A when they meet ?

Asked by Neha on 23 Jan 2021

Christina, Allison and Lena are 3 daughters of John a well-known Mathematician, When I asked John the age of their daughters. He replied "The current age of her daughters is prime. Also, the difference between their ages is also prime."

How old are the daughters?

Asked by Neha on 05 Aug 2023

There are hundred red gems and hundred blue gems. The blue gems are priceless while the red gems equal wastage. You have two sacks one labeled Heads and the other Tails. You have to distribute the gems as you want in the two sacks. Then a coin will be flipped and you will be asked to pick up a gem randomly from the corresponding sacks.

How will you distribute the gems between the sacks so that the odds of picking a Blue gem are maximum?

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Who are they?

Asked by Neha on 30 Aug 2021

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Asked by Neha on 03 Feb 2021

Tarang football website was hacked by one of the players. Jack, the coach of Tarang has pointed out five players as the possible hacker.
Each suspected player made three statements from each suspected player and out of which two are true and one is false.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I know nothing about hacking.
C) John did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) The website was attacked by one of the players.
C) I hate Shelly

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I have never seen Oscar in my entire life.
C) I am sure John did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I am sure Oscar did it.
C) Joseph was lying when he said he did it.

A) I have not hacked the website.
B) I am sure Hazard did it.
C) I used to be friend with Remy.

So who hacked the website?

Asked by Neha on 27 Jun 2021

In the given picture, in how many ways can you read the word "Tiger"?

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Asked by Neha on 21 May 2023

Which five letter word can be added at the end of below word to form a
valid word?

> Pin
> Check
> Boiling
> View

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Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.