Light but can't hold

I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?

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What is more useful when it is broken?

Asked by Neha on 30 Mar 2022

I get hot but I never sweat,
I cook food but I am not a chef,
I have a door but you can't enter me,
I have a light but I am not a lamp.
Who am I?

Asked by Neha on 15 Feb 2021

How can you take 2 from 5 and leave 4?

Asked by Neha on 03 Apr 2022

It is an eleven letter word.
The first, second, third and fourth letters form a banquet's name.
The fifth, sixth and seventh letters form a car's name.
The eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh letters form a mode of transport.

Can you identify what word it is?

Asked by Neha on 25 Dec 2023

They came out at night, without being called.
They lost at day, without being stolen.
Who are they?

Asked by Neha on 30 Aug 2021

What does the following BrainBat signifies?



Asked by Neha on 21 Jan 2021

What has to be broken before you can use it?

Asked by Neha on 06 May 2022

A new Engineering building containing 100 offices had just been completed. John was hired to paint the numbers 1 to 100 on the doors. How many times will John have to paint the number nine (9)?

Asked by Neha on 24 Feb 2024

How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?

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If six children and two dogs were under an umbrella, how come none of them got wet?

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Amazing Facts


There is a cryptic organization called Cicada 3301 that posts challenging puzzles online, possibly to recruit codebreakers and linguists.