Find the Time

John asked Jack, "The time right now is 7 pm. Can you tell me what will be the time 23, 999, 995 hours later ?"

While Bella does not know the answer, do you ?

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A kind heart person buy packed food at 3$/packet from United states and sells them at 1$/packet at Africa. After some time he becomes a millionaire.

How come the guy become millionaire ?

Asked by Neha on 30 Jan 2023

It is an eleven letter word.
The first, second, third and fourth letters form a banquet's name.
The fifth, sixth and seventh letters form a car's name.
The eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh letters form a mode of transport.

Can you identify what word it is?

Asked by Neha on 25 Dec 2023

There is an ancient kingdom where every married woman keeps information regarding the fidelity of other men. However, what they don't know is the fidelity of their own husbands. Also, there is an ancient belief that they don't tell each other about the fidelity of their husbands.

On a certain day, the queen of the kingdom declares that she has identified at least one unfaithful man in the kingdom. She allows the wives to identify and gives them authority to kill their husbands if they are unfaithful at midnight.

How will the wives manage it?

Asked by Neha on 03 Oct 2023

Sweet & very intelligent katty has 8 puppets(Jane Bird Barbie Angel Colleen Nora Lass Missy).
All puppets are of different size. She arrange all puppets to face towards the guest and tell the guess the following clues :

* Jane has three puppets bigger on its left side
* Bird has two puppets smaller on its left side
* Barbie has one puppet bigger on its right side
* Angel has two puppets smaller on its right side
* Colleen has one puppet bigger on its left side
* Nora has one puppet smaller on its left side
* Lass has four puppets bigger on its right side
* Missy has three puppets smaller on its right side

Also some puppets are inside the bigger puppets.

Assuming you are the guest , can you tell the katty how the puppets are arranged ?

Asked by Neha on 25 Apr 2023

During a secret mission, an agent gave the following code to the higher authorities

However, the information is in one word only and the rest are fake. To assist the authorities in understanding better, he also sent them a clue, If I tell you any one character of the code, you can easily find out the number of vowels in the codeword.

Can you find out the code word?

Asked by Neha on 19 Feb 2023

Queen Elizabeth organised a royal party.

To Avoid uninvited guest royal family set a password.
Jack (an uninvited person) plan to enter the party. He stand nearby the door.

First guest comes, the security person said 'twelve' and guest replied with six.
Second guest comes , the security person said 'six' and guest replied with 'three'.

Jack thought is enough and he walked to the entry point. The security person said 'eight' , Jack replied smilingly 'four'.
He was immediately thrown out of the party. why ?

Asked by Neha on 09 Aug 2021

You know three triplets: Frank John and Wayne (need to return your money). Frank always tells the truth while John and Wayne always lie. You meet one of them on the road and can ask him a three-word question.
Which question, will you ask?

Asked by Neha on 21 Mar 2023

There is a unique number which when multiplied by any number from 1 to 6, we will get the new number that contains the same digits only.

Can you find that number?

Asked by Neha on 19 Dec 2023

John and Jenni are a married couple. They have two kids, one of them is a girl. Assume safely that the probability of each gender is 1/2.
What is the probability that the other kid is also a girl?

Hint: It is not 1/2 as you would first think.

Asked by Neha on 14 Jun 2024

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Asked by Neha on 02 Feb 2024

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Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.