In a school, there are four subjects. Seventy percent of students study English, seventy five percent of students study Science, eighty five percent of students study Mathematics and eighty percent of students study Spanish.
Can you calculate the percentage of students that study all four subjects?
Akbar called Birbal and asked him to draw a line on the floor. He asked Birbal to make that line smaller without erasing it. Birbal smiled and did it before Akbar could blink his eyes.
A thief is convicted in Mexico. He gets the death penalty. The judge allows him to say the last sentence to determine how the penalty will be carried out. If the thief lies, he will be hanged, if he speaks the truth he will be beheaded. The thief tells the last sentence and to everybody's surprise some minutes later he is set free because the judge cannot determine his penalty. What did the thief say?
The below given figure comprises of a pattern through which you can determine the missing letter. Can you push your mind to find the pattern and add the missing letter?
James Bond is caught up in a mysterious scenario where the evil villain has him blindfolded. He somehow breaks through the handcuffs but is unable to get the blindfold off. Upon searching, he comes across a bow and 3 arrows. He can hear the villain speak, and thus tries to take a shot at him. He launches the first arrow, it misses the villain. He then launches the second arrow and it misses by a greater margin.
What is the probability that this third shot our James bond takes will be worse than the second shot?
It can't be seen, can't be felt, can't be heard, and can't be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after, Ends life, and kills laughter.
What is it?
In 2007, a puzzle was released and $2 million prizes were offered for the first complete solution. The competition ended at noon on 31 December 2010, with no solution being found. Wiki