Here is a conversation between a couple who both are software professionals. Husband: Hey! What is your date of birth? Wife Replied Angrily: It is 591062400 Husband after doing some calculations replied, "Got It". What is the DOB of the wife?
Keyboard words are not in alphabetical order, Why?
Look at the below sequence of letters and tell us what the next letter should be: O T T F F S S ?
There are 2 cops parked along a one-way street looking for traffic violations. They spot a taxi driver going in the wrong direction, yet they do nothing. Why?
You are in a room with no metal objects except for two iron rods. Only one of them is a magnet. How can you identify which one is a magnet?
If, A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 ... ... Z = 26. Based on above rule, you need to find an eleven letter word whose letter sum is equal to 52.
You need to move three matchsticks to form three squares. Can you do it?
4 fathers, 2 grand-fathers and 4 sons went to watch the movie.What is the minimum number of tickets they need to buy ?
You can take four of the five letters out of this word, but the pronunciation never changes. What is the word?
Astrology starts with the alphabet A, Biology starts with B, Psychology with P and Limnology with L. Can you find an "ology" that begins with a P?
Teacher ask the student 'Why are you standing on that chair in music class ?'. what did student replied ?
The inventor of the Rubik’s Cube didn’t realize he’d built a puzzle until he scrambled it the first time and tried to restore it.