Apply your Logic

Given that

(78)^9 = 6
And (69)^4 = 11

Can you find out

(99)^2 =?

(Note: This is Logical, not Mathematical)

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1. Gianni was either in Italy or France in 1997.
2. If Gianni did not kill Versace, Hilton must have killed him.
3. If Versace died of suffocation, then either Gianni killed him or Versace committed suicide.
4. If Gianni was in Italy in 1997, then Gianni did not kill Versace.
5. Versace died of suffocation, but he did not kill himself.

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Nine are but four of us;

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Would you know more of us?

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There is a cryptic organization called Cicada 3301 that posts challenging puzzles online, possibly to recruit codebreakers and linguists.