Find the Cost

Baseball bat and ball cost $100. If the bat cost $99 more than the ball, what is the cost of each?

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You are trapped into a death trap by the famous jigsaw killer. As usual, a screen flashes in front of you and explains you the trap game. There are 100 pearls kept in a bowl in front of you and an empty bowl. Among the 100 pearls, 50 are white and 50 are black. You can divide them as you like into the two bowls. Once you are done, you will pull a lever, which will turn the room pitch black. The bowls will move and shuffle around. In the dark, you have to pick up one pearl from any bowl. Once you do that, the room will flood with lights again. If the peral you have in your hand is white, you will be allowed to live, but if the pearl you picked is black, the room will be filled with poisonous gas and you will die. How will divide the pearls to increase your chances of survival?

Asked by Neha on 03 Sep 2024

When I got four, I have it none.
When I got two, I have it some.
When I got none, I have it all.

What is it?

Asked by Neha on 31 Aug 2024

what does the below math rebus puzzle mean?

Find the Rebus Meaning

Asked by Neha on 13 Nov 2023

A man desired to get into his work building, however he had forgotten his code.
However, he did recollect five pieces of information
* Fifth number + Third number = 14
* The fourth number is one more than the second number.
* The first number is one less than twice the second number.
* The second number and the third number equals 10.
* The sum of all five numbers is 30.

What is the code ?

Asked by Neha on 14 May 2021

What four weights can be used to balance from 1 to 30 pounds?

Asked by Neha on 25 Apr 2022

Count the number of triangles in the picture below:

Counting You Should Know

Asked by Neha on 16 Jul 2024

In the given picture, in how many ways can you read the word "Tiger"?

Read Word Tiger

Asked by Neha on 21 May 2023

Can you find a pattern and the missing number in the series given below?

100, 155, 258,? , 584, 819.

Asked by Neha on 23 Sep 2024

How many people must be gathered together in a room, before you can be certain that there is a greater than 50/50 chance that at least two of them have the same birthday?

Asked by Neha on 16 Dec 2023

I am working in a bus company. The company recently went under expansion and therefore there was not enough room for all the buses. As a result, twelve buses had to be stored outside.

If the company decides to expand the garage space by forty percent, enough space to accommodate the current buses will be created leaving enough space for twelve more buses if the need arises in future.

Can you calculate the number of buses that the company owns at present?

Asked by Neha on 18 Dec 2020

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No Solution

In 2007, a puzzle was released and $2 million prizes were offered for the first complete solution. The competition ended at noon on 31 December 2010, with no solution being found. Wiki