This is a classy optical illusion puzzle. What more you can find except bricks in the image below?
Can you identify the direction in which this bus is moving; left or right? Hint: The bus is moving on the roads of London.
Decode this picture on T-Shirt and tell what it says ?
Complete the given grid with valid words. You can only use the letters AAEEIIMMPPTT. Hint: The grid reads the same across as down.
A brand new Mobile Phone was on sale at 20% as a promotional offer. By what per cent must the Mobile price be increased to sell it at the original price again?
what does the below rebus means?
Railroad Crossing, look out for the cars. Can you spell that, without any R's ?
A 52% bias toss for head using the 51% tail bias coin was done to obtain a fair result. Can you find how bias is the floor in this case?
Which is the correct shadow of the bird?
What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it?
Edward James went for tiger hunting. It was not his lucky day. He got six tigers without heads, nine tigers without the tail and eight cut in two halves. How many tiger did he hunted ?
The word ladder puzzle was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.