Easy Riddles

Enjoy easy riddles and brain teasers for kids and adults, riddles, logic puzzles, brain teasers. Riddles help your brain to exercise and sharpen your thinking capabilities.

What word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters?

Asked by Sachin on 20 Oct 2021

What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?

Asked by Parth on 19 Oct 2021

Which of the following words don't belong in the group and why?

Asked by Sachin on 16 Oct 2021

What do you answer even though it never asks you questions?

Asked by Sachin on 12 Oct 2021

By using 'because' continuously three times, can you make an English statement ?

Asked by Sachin on 28 Aug 2021

Which five letter word can be added at the end of below word to form a
valid word?

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Asked by Aparna on 13 Aug 2021

_ _ _ IE _ _
_ _ _ IE _
_ _ IE _ _
_ _ IE _
_ _ _ _ IE

Like you see, some letters have gone missing from these words that contain the IE pair at some or the other place. The letters that will be used to fill the blanks are given below. Use them and form meaningful words. Can you do that?

A, C, D, F, H, K, L, M, N, N, O, R, R, S, S, S, T, T, Y and Y.

Asked by Patrik on 22 Jul 2021

It walks on 4 when its young, walks on 2 when it's older, and walks on 3 when its very old?

Asked by Sachin on 17 Jul 2021

Living above a star, I do not burn
Eleven friends and they do not turn
I can just be visited in a sequence, not once or repeatedly
PQRS are my initials
Can you tell my name accurately?

Asked by john on 11 Jul 2021

There is one thing that goes round the house and also inside the house but never even share a brief touch. What is it?

Asked by Sachin on 28 May 2021

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There is a cryptic organization called Cicada 3301 that posts challenging puzzles online, possibly to recruit codebreakers and linguists.