Serve you by Expiring

You measure my life in hours
I serve you by expiring
I vanish faster when I am thin
and slower when I am thick
The wind is my energy
What am I?

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Find the combined weight of the Cat, Dog and Rabbit in the given picture.

 Weight of Animals

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How could a baby fall out of a twenty-story building onto the ground and live?

Asked by Neha on 07 Nov 2023

Five lovely ladies(Sophia, Isabella, Madison, Emma and Olivia) planned a picnic.

They each buy one thing each for the picnic.

Sophia, Emma and Olivia got a drink : orange-Juice, apple-juice, and mango-juice.
Olivia got the drink with the same letter as the one in her first name.
Emma loves mango-juice.
The other two bring some food : chocolates and pizza.
Also Madison is allergic to cheese.

So which ladies bought what ?

Asked by Neha on 24 May 2021

That attorney is my brother, testified the accountant.

But the attorney testified he didn't have a brother.

Who is lying?

Asked by Neha on 14 Dec 2020

A man has a barrel filled with oil that weighs 100 pounds, and then he puts something into it. Now the barrel weighs less than 100 pounds. What did he put in the barrel?

Oil in the Drum

Asked by Neha on 04 Feb 2024

A woman lives in a Tall building thirty-six floors high and served by several elevators which stop at each floor going up and down. Each morning she leaves her apartment and goes to one of the elevators. Whichever one she takes is three times more likely to be going up than down. Why?

Asked by Neha on 04 Oct 2023

I am the largest in my family of fifty.
The youngest of our family lives separately from the rest of the family and so do I.
I am regarded as harsh and tough.
I am so large, you cut me in two equal halves,
each half would still be larger than the second largest member of the family.
Who am I?

Asked by Neha on 14 May 2021

We know that money can be names differently for the purpose it is used for. Some of the examples of money given at following places or for following activities:

In temple = Daan
In school = Fees
During marriage = Dowry
For divorce = Alimony
Paying government = Tax
In court = Fine
Employer to employee = Salary
To kidnappers = Ransom
For illegal reason = Bribe
To civil servant retirees = Pension

Do you know what do we call the money a husband gives to his wife?

Asked by Neha on 12 Jan 2021

Once upon a time, there was a bus conductor who was extremely rude to all the passengers. On a certain day, a young and charming lady tried boarding the bus. But he did not stop the bus. As a result, the girl came under the bus and was killed. The agitated passengers took the conductor to the police station. The police took him to the court for trial. In the court, the judge gave him death sentence.

He is then taken to the electrocution chamber. In that room, there is a chair in the center of the room and a banana peel lies just behind the chair. The conductor is strapped to that chair and is being exposed to a high voltage current. But to everyone�s surprise, he is able to survive through the current that is enough to kill two people at once. The judge decides that it is a miracle and sets the conductor free.

The conductor then returns back to his profession. After a few months, a middle aged lady tries to board the bus. The conductor does not stop the bus and as a result the lady gets run over by the bus which kills her on the spot. The agitated passengers take him to the police. The police takes him to the court for the trial. In the court, the judge decides for capital punishment for the conductor.

The conductor is taken to the electrocution chamber again. In that chamber, there is a chair in the middle of the room and a banana peel lies behind the chair. He is strapped to the chair and exposed to a high voltage. To everyone�s surprise, he survives again. Thus, the judge sets him free.

The conductor returns back to his profession. After a few months. An old lady tries to board the bus. The bus conductor after remembering his previous actions, stops the bus. But unfortunately, the old lady slips while climbing up the bus and dies due to his injuries. The passengers take him to the police again. The police takes him back to the court. Though the judge knows that he is not guilty, he sentences him to death knowing his previous record.

The conductor is taken to the electrocution chamber again. He is strapped to the chair in the center of the room behind which, there is a banana peel. He is exposed to the current and this time he is killed instantly.

Why did he die this time and not the previous times?

Long Funny Riddle

Asked by Neha on 16 Mar 2023

Sherlock Holmes was challenged to make a pre-drawn line smaller without erasing it. He did it in fractions of seconds. How?

Asked by Neha on 12 Apr 2023

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Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.