Reverse Number

There is a number which when you multiply by 3 and subtract 2 from the result, then the resulting number is the reverse of the actual number.

What is the smallest number that stands true on the statement?

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There is an ancient kingdom where every married woman keeps information regarding the fidelity of other men. However, what they don't know is the fidelity of their own husbands. Also, there is an ancient belief that they don't tell each other about the fidelity of their husbands.

On a certain day, the queen of the kingdom declares that she has identified at least one unfaithful man in the kingdom. She allows the wives to identify and gives them authority to kill their husbands if they are unfaithful at midnight.

How will the wives manage it?

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In Greek mythology, the Sphinx sat outside of Thebes and asked this riddle of all travellers who passed by. If the traveller failed to solve the riddle, then the Sphinx killed him/her. And if the traveller answered the riddle correctly, then the Sphinx would destroy herself. The riddle:

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Which box has the Gold?

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Rob is taller than Edwin, and Jurgen is shorter than Rob.
Of only one of the following statements, we now certainly know it is correct:

A.Edwin is taller than Jurgen
B.Jurgen is taller than Edwin
C.It cannot be determined if Jurgen or Edwin is the tallest.

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In Canada, a mathematical puzzle must be solved in order to win the lottery to classify it as a “game of skill” not gambling.