Cloth Roll to be Cut

You have a roll of cloth 1km long. You have a machine which cuts this roll into pieces of 10-meter-long cloth.

How long would it take for the machine to cut the roll if each cut took 4 secs?

Similar Riddles

In the given figure, move three matchsticks so that the resulting figure contains two rectangles.

Matchsticks Rectangles

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What does below Rebus mean ?

esgg sgeg gegs gsge

Asked by Neha on 10 May 2021

There are forty elephants and they have forty-fore heads. How can this be possible?

Asked by Neha on 16 Apr 2024

I am quite hot but become too cold if you remove the first two letters. What am I?

Asked by Neha on 24 May 2023

A Detective reviewed the information they had on the case so far.

A lady named 'Caterina' was found shot and they already had a list of suspects - Ankit, Tarun, Harish, Manoj and Manish.
The killer is a fan of challenges him by leaving notes ad various places.
* The first was found in a toilet room.
* The second was found in an art room.
* The third was in a restroom.
* the fourth in an underwater room.
* The fifth at the no-smoking room.

All of the notes read the same thing, 'The clues are where you find the notes.' Yet, nothing was found at any place the notes were.
Detective the genius, immediately solved the case.
Who was the killer?

Asked by Neha on 11 Sep 2023

What English word has three consecutive double letters?

Asked by Neha on 22 Jan 2023

In The 1st month of this year(the year 2013), I noticed that the date 13-1-13 (13 January 2013) is special.

This date is special as:

Date * Month = Year.

Can you figure out which year of this century has a maximum number of such dates?

Asked by Neha on 14 Aug 2024

There was a blind man. He had four socks in his drawer either black or white. He opened it and took out two socks. Now the probability that it was a pair of white socks is 1/2.

Can you find out the probability that he had taken out a pair of black socks ?

Asked by Neha on 19 Mar 2023

Which Number is the odd one out?

A) 7145
B) 2716
C) 5321
D) 4135

Asked by Neha on 10 Jan 2024

How many sides does a circle have?

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Amazing Facts

Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.