Read the Rebus

What does this rebus means ?


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Look at the below sequence of letters and tell us what the next letter should be:

O T T F F S S ?

Asked by Neha on 02 Jan 2024

I have Rs.50 and I spend it in the way as below.

Fund and Spends

Asked by Neha on 01 Oct 2023

What runs around the whole yard without moving?

Asked by Neha on 14 May 2021

There is a family that live in a round house. The two parents go out for a movie and leave a babysitter to watch their son. They come back and the kid was not there. Some one kidnapped him. The maid said she was cleaning in a corner. The cook said he was making pizza. The babysitter said she was getting a board game. Who kidnapped him.

Asked by Neha on 16 Mar 2022

There are four people in a house. A fireman, an athlete, an old woman, and a drunk guy. The house catches fire and before the fact is known, it is too late. All they know is that the entire house is in flames and it will collapse exactly after twelve minutes. Now they can move out of the house but for that, they will have to pass the hallway which is entirely blazing with flames. Thus to move, one must carry a fire extinguisher to keep the flames away. Seeking the burnt wooden floor, only two people can run through that hallway at one time. But for others to go, one must return back with the fire extinguisher. The fireman is trained for such tasks and can run through the hallway in a minute. The athlete can make it in a couple of minutes. The old woman can run slowly and will cover the hallway in four minutes. The drunk guy will take five minutes to run through it. If all of them can make it through the hallway in twelve minutes, all of them will be saved. When two move together, they will run at the speed of the slower ones.

How will all four of them manage to run to safety?

Asked by Neha on 02 Jun 2023

There are nine dots in the picture that has been attached with this question. Can you join all the dots by drawing four straight lines without picking up your pen?

Dots on Lines

Asked by Neha on 11 Nov 2023

What numbers should go on the bottom line?
3 6 9 15
8 2 10 12
11 8 19 27
19 10 29 39
? ? ? ?

Asked by Neha on 29 Apr 2022

On one occasion, A Boy collects 71 rupees in form of 20 paise and 25 paise. He collects a total of 324 coins.

Can you tell me how many 20-paisa and 25-paisa he got?

Asked by Neha on 13 Jul 2024

Can you move 2 matchsticks to form four equal sized squares.

Make four Square Riddle

Asked by Neha on 17 Dec 2020

On a bright sunny day, two fathers took their son fishing in the lake. Each man and son were able to catch one fish. When they returned to their camp, there were only three fishes in the basket. What happened?

PS: None of the fish were eaten, lost, or thrown back.

Asked by Neha on 05 Mar 2023

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Word ladder puzzle

The word ladder puzzle was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.