In the given picture, you can find two letters missing. When two particular letters are placed in the missing spots, you get an eight-letter word while reading in the anti-clockwise direction. Can you find out the missing letters and the missing word eventually?
What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word?
A pet show was happening in my locality. I went down along with my kids. In that show, I noticed that all except two of the entries were cats. All except two were dogs and all except two were Monkeys.
Can you find out how many of each animals were present in that pet show?
Jack have ten pairs of black socks, eight pairs of white socks and seven pairs of green socks. Everything is mixed in a draw. As there is no light he were not able to identify the colour of the socks. How many of the socks did he want to take to match one pair
The king of Octopuses has servants who have six, seven or eight legs. The distinguishing characteristics of the servants is that the one with seven legs always lie but the one with either six or eight legs speak the truth always.
One day, four servants meet and converse:
The black one says, 'We have 28 legs altogether.'
The green one says, 'We have 27 legs altogether.'
The yellow one says, 'We have 26 legs altogether.'
The red one says, 'We have 25 legs altogether.'
Can you identify the colour of the servant who is speaking the truth?