We know that money can be names differently for the purpose it is used for. Some of the examples of money given at following places or for following activities:
In temple = Daan
In school = Fees
During marriage = Dowry
For divorce = Alimony
Paying government = Tax
In court = Fine
Employer to employee = Salary
To kidnappers = Ransom
For illegal reason = Bribe
To civil servant retirees = Pension
Do you know what do we call the money a husband gives to his wife?
The chance of Mr John winning the lottery is 10%. All participants lined up and Mr John is 4th in the row. The first three participants lose the lottery.
A mathematician couple was having a Frappuccino in Starbucks sitting opposite to each other. Suddenly the guy noticed the text written on the paper in front of them and exclaimed that it was wrong. The girl denied it and said it is appropriate. Both are correct. What is written on the paper?