Man can float in the Sea

A man fell off a smuggling boat into deep water. He could not swim and he was not wearing anything to keep him afloat. It took 30 minutes for the people on the boat to realize someone was missing. The missing man was rescued two hours later on the return trip. Why didn't he drown? Note:- He didn't know swimming, the sea was deep, and He wasn't holding anything

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Friends guessed 22, 24, 29, 33, and 38, but none of the guesses was correct. The guesses were off by 1, 8, 6, 3, and 8 (in random order).

Can you determine the number of apples in a basket from this information?

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John went to meet his friend Jacob, but when he was about to reach the main gate, John notices that Jacob had a mighty dog who was fastened to the tree. The chain is long enough that it allows the dog to reach the main gate.

How can the John reach the main gate?

Dog and Visitor Riddle

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There is a wide field of corn. A goose finds its way into the field and starts running. Can you find out till which point the goose can run into the field?

Asked by Neha on 27 Oct 2023

On a magical land of Mexico , all the animal in the land are rational.

There are 10 tigers and one goat.
Tiger can eat goat but since it's a magical land , the tiger who eats the goat , turns into goat and then can be eaten by the remaining tiger(s).

If we leave them for some time then how many goat and tiger will be there , when we come back ?

Asked by Neha on 31 May 2021

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Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.