I am not alive, but I grow

I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?

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What is it?

Asked by Neha on 14 May 2021

Find The Odd One Out


Asked by Neha on 16 Feb 2024

There was once a college that offered a class on probability applied to the real world. The class was relatively easy, but there was a catch. There were no homework assignments or tests, but there was a final exam that would have only one question on it. When everyone received the test paper it was a blank sheet of paper with a solitary question on it: 'What is the risk?'.Most students were able to pass, but only one student received 100% for the class! Even stranger was that he only wrote down one word!
What did he write?

Asked by Neha on 03 Sep 2023

Given that

(78)^9 = 6
And (69)^4 = 11

Can you find out

(99)^2 =?

(Note: This is Logical, not Mathematical)

Asked by Neha on 19 Apr 2024

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Make the Word TEN

Asked by Neha on 14 May 2021

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Asked by Neha on 09 Oct 2021

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Tree Problem

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Which is Odd One Out and why?






Asked by Neha on 09 Jan 2024

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Amazing Facts

Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.