Funny Love

what does the below rebus means?

Funny Love

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Asked by Neha on 23 Nov 2023

A mad serial killer kidnaps people and forces them to play the game of 2 pills with them, In this game, there are pills in the table and one of them is normal pill while the other one is deadly poisonous.
The victim will choose one pill and the killer will pick the other pill and both simultaneously will swallow the pill with water.
victim dies every time.

One day the serial killer kidnaps the Joseph and forces him to play the same game with him.

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Asked by Neha on 15 May 2021

A game is being played where eight players can last for thirty-five minutes. Six substitutes alternate with each player in this game. Thus, all players are on the pitch for the same amount of time including the substitutes.

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Asked by Neha on 29 Aug 2023

A maths symbol is hidden in the below Bar Graph. Can you decipher it?

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Asked by Neha on 04 Apr 2023

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Asked by Neha on 21 Mar 2023

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Asked by Neha on 15 Mar 2024

A rain drop fell from one leaf to another leaf and lost 1/4th of its volume. It then fell to another leaf and lost 1/5th of the volume. It again fell on another leaf and lost 1/5th of the volume.

This process kept repeating till it fell on the last leaf losing 1/75th of its volume.

Can you calculate the total percentage of loss from the initial volume when the drop has fallen to the last leaf accurate up to two decimal places?

Asked by Neha on 16 Feb 2021

Three people check into a hotel. They pay $60 for the rent of the room. After they check-in, the manager realize that the rent for the room is $55. So, he gives $5 to the bellboy and asks him to give it to them. The bellboy thinks that it will be difficult for the three people to share $5 among them and seeking the personal benefit, he pockets $2 and gives the remaining $3 to them.

Now, each person paid $20 and got back $1. In this manner, each of them paid just $19 which totals to the amount of $57. The bellboy has $2 with him and adding them, we get $59. So where is the remaining $1?

Asked by Neha on 02 Aug 2023

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Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles soared in popularity during the great depression, as they provided a cheap, long-lasting, recyclable form of entertainment.