Find the Key

Can you find the key in the picture below?

Find the Key

Similar Picture Riddles

In this image, you can see three almost identical Doraemon images. Can you spot the odd one out from them?

Odd one out Doraemon picture riddle

Asked by Neha on 19 Apr 2021

Can you identify the direction in which this bus is moving; left or right?

Hint: The bus is moving on the roads of London.

Find Bus Direction

Asked by Neha on 17 May 2021

Can you find out the total number of triangles in the given figure?

Triangle Angle

Asked by Neha on 12 Mar 2024

You can see three almost identical images below. Can you spot the odd one out from them?

Find the Odd One Out

Asked by Neha on 17 May 2021

Count the number of lines in the image below ?

Riddles From Picture

Asked by Neha on 03 Feb 2021

Which of the below owl is odd one out?

Find the odd

Asked by Neha on 22 May 2021

Find the number of squares in the below picture

Count The Squares

Asked by Neha on 13 Apr 2021

You see a mathematical expression in the picture. Can you think of a movie that this expression refers to?

Movie in Maths

Asked by Neha on 05 Aug 2021

There are nine letters in the below-given diagram. You have to form a nine-letter word using these letters.

Word from nine Letters

Asked by Neha on 21 Dec 2023

Can you find out the missing number in the grid?

Missing Number

Asked by Neha on 12 Nov 2023

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Amazing Facts

Word ladder puzzle

The word ladder puzzle was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.