You have 1023 apples and 10 bags. You have to distribute these apples in these 10 bags in any way you choose. But when I ask for a certain number of apples you have to give them in terms of bags without transferring the apples from other bags. How do you distribute the apples?
John needs to purchase 100 chocolates from three different shops and he has exactly 100 rupees to do that which he must spend entirely. He must buy at least 1 Chocolate from each shop.
The first shop is selling each chocolate at 5 paise, the second is selling at 1 rupee and the third is selling at 5 rupees.
In a secret society, a buried chamber can be accessed only via a secret password. The password is seven characters long and comprises of just letters and numbers.
You find a code that can help you in cracking the password. The code says "You force heaven to be empty".
In 2007, a puzzle was released and $2 million prizes were offered for the first complete solution. The competition ended at noon on 31 December 2010, with no solution being found. Wiki